Dr. Jay Krause
Principaljay.krause@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 130
Mr. Jason Batty
Athletic Director, PE & Drivers Ed. Teacher, Boys Volleyball Coachjason.batty@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 134
Mrs. Linda Behrhorst
School Secretarylinda.behrhorst@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 100
Ms. Kori Krause
Marketing Directorkori.krause@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 135
Mrs. Carrie Kober
Admissions Directorcarrie.kober@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 135
Mr. Rob Stock
Assistant Principal, Academic Counselor, Girls Basketball Coachrob.stock@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 131
Ms. Sheila Hamlin
Office Manager, Admin. Asst. to Principalsheila.hamlin@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 132
Featured Faculty
Isn’t it better for students to understand how science really works than just memorizing the equation for photosynthesis?
Deb Wudtke
Biology teacher Deb Wudtke came to MELHS from the St. Louis Science Center, where she managed life science learning galleries, and she brought with her a love for hands-on learning.
Mrs. Shanna Covarrubias
Spanish Teacher, Spanish Club Advisor, Scholar Bowl Coachshanna.covarrubias@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 116
Mrs. Jennifer Doyle
Science Teacherjennifer.doyle@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 106
Mr. Jon Giordano
Theology Chair, Asst. Bowling Coachjon.giordano@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 103
Mrs. Katie Keily-Vann
Journalism TeacherMr. Mike Koch
Phys. Ed. and Math Teacher, Head Football Coach, Track Coachmike.koch@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 106
Mr. Chase Langendorf
Social Studies Teacher, Golf Coachchase.langendorf@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 120
Mr. Tim Lorenz
Math Dept. Chair, Technology Coordinator, Robotics Teamtim.lorenz@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 108
Miss Christina McNealy
Art Teacher and Health Teacherchristina.mcnealy@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 126
Mr. Joseph Meador
Theology Teacher, Band Directorjoseph.meador@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 105
Mrs. Laura Morrison
English Department Chair, Student Council Advisorlaura.morrison@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 112
Mr. David Moldenhauer
Math & Physics Teacher, FCA Advisor, Board Game Club Advisordavid.moldenhauer@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 107
Mrs. Sharon Porterfield
English Teachersharon.porterfield@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 117
Rev. Scott Schilbe
Sophomore Theologyscott.schilbe@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 109
Miss Macie Sparks
English Teacher, Swim Coachmacie.sparks@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 113
Mrs. Deb Wudtke
Biology Teacher, NHS Advisordeb.wudtke@melhs.org . 618.656.3039 x 118